Indianapolis Homeowners Insurance Agencies

Workplace Benefits


What Is Workplace Benefits Insurance?

Some employers still provide their employees with workplace benefits that enhance their lives. Usually, such work benefits activate for the employee within his or her first 90 days of working at the establishment. Some benefits may start on the first day the employee works for the company. These workplace benefits include items such as:

Health Insurance

Health insurance covers the employees for doctors visits, medications, treatments and the like. The covered person may pay a co-pay for the doctor to see him or her and then a percentage for every visit. Premium payments usually come out of the worker’s paycheck.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance covers the employee if he or she falls ill with the condition that’s on the list of payable illnesses. The benefit can cover physical injuries and some mental ailments as well.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is coverage that pays a distribution to the family of a worker who dies unexpectedly. It’s for any worker who wants to feel more secure about his or her family if something should happen. Award amounts vary according to what the insured person wants.

Accidental Death

Accidental death is another benefit that can supplement the primary life insurance policy. It pays a settlement to the beneficiaries if anything happens to the insured party. To qualify for the disbursement, the insured has to receive a valid diagnosis and survive for a certain number of days.

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance covers severe disorders that may render the workers incapacitated for an extended period. Those illnesses include things like cancer and heart attack. The policy pays a lump sum settlement to the insured party.

Long-Term Care Coverage

It extends long-term coverage disability benefits for people who have been ill for over one year. It covers the same conditions and ailments that short-term disability covers. Long-term care will cover the insured person for over 12 months.

Most of the previously mentioned policies’ premiums come from the employee’s paycheck. Employees can speak to a benefits coordinator to have someone answer their questions and concerns about the policies.